Housings and covers
Accessories to protect equipment against precipitation and mechanical damage

Splash-proof enclosures AP-1
Splash-proof enclosures to protect detectors from adverse weather conditions and mechanical damage

Tubular shields AR-1
Profiled tube guards to protect the detector from direct mechanical damage

Bird protection cover APTK
Metal top cover with spikes against birds for the warning sign type TL-4
Low-voltage energy sources

Gel batteries AKU
Batteries to provide power backup in PS or PU/TB type power supplies

Service batteries AKU-07GX
Batteries designed to generate a control pulse for the shut-off valve in MD-...Z type control units
Threshold sensor modules
Threshold sensor modules are the key element of the gas detector

Semiconductor, threshold sensor modules MS-nn/N
Electronic components of threshold detectors, equipped with a semiconductor gas sensor

Catalytic, threshold sensor modules MS-nK/N, MS-nKL/N
Electronic components of threshold detectors, equipped with a catalytic gas sensor

Electrochemical, threshold sensor modules MS-nE/N
Electronic components of threshold detectors, equipped with an electrochemical gas sensor

Optical (infra-red), threshold sensor modules MS-nR/N
Electronic components of threshold detectors equipped with an optical gas sensor

Semiconductor, threshold sensor modules offered through the calibration by replacement service MS-nn/N-WpW
Electronic components of threshold detectors equipped with a semiconductor gas sensor

Optical (infra-red), threshold sensor modules offered through the calibration by replacement service MS-nR/N-WpW
Electronic components of threshold detectors equipped with an optical gas sensor
Measuring sensor modules
Measuring sensor modules are the key element of the gas detector

Catalytic, measuring sensor modules MS-PnK/N, MS-PnKL/N
Electronic components of measuring detectors, equipped with a catalytic gas sensor

Electrochemical, measuring sensor modules MS-PnE/N
Electronic components of measuring detectors, equipped with an electrochemical gas sensor

Optical (infra-red), measuring sensor modules MS-PnR/N
Electronic components of measuring detectors, equipped with an optical gas sensor

Optical (infra-red), measuring sensor modules offered through the calibration by replacement service MS-PnR/N-WpW
Electronic components of measuring detectors, equipped with an optical gas sensor
Auxiliary accessories
Additional devices for gas detection systems

Modular relays RM
Expansion modules for Gazex control units and detectors providing additional relay outputs and galvanic separation

Terminal boxes WDM
Terminal boxes with ATEX certification for linking/extending cables

Digital bus terminal boxes CB
RS-485 bus terminal boxes designed for use in Digital Gas Detection System

Modular switchgear RZ+
Modular switchgear with TS35 rails, equipped and wired according to customer requirements (ready for installation)

Cable hub boxes K-8P, K-16P
Cable hub boxes for MDP-8, MDP-16 control modules

Modems GSM
Devices designed for remote monitoring of gas detection system status

ATEX compliant DEX/F, DEX/A or DEX/P detector adaptation for operation in dust explosive areas

Adaptation of DG/F, DG/M, DG/P or DG/PV detectors for installation into a ventilation duct

Modules extending functionality of DG/M and DG-P/M detectors with two NO/NC relays

Modules extending functionality of PS power supplies with contact outputs monitoring the presence of output voltage and supply voltage

Installation switches SW-20
Double switches for 230 AC power supply

Digital signal converter MDD-CV/T
Digital signal converter allows to connect any PC/laptop to the RS-485 port of the MDD-256/T type supervisory control module
Gas test
Accessories for gas test system used to check the correct operation of gas detectors

Gas test sets GTS
Test sets for verifying the correct operation of detectors by injecting a gaseous test mixture into the measuring chamber of the detector

Test gas cylinders GC
Aluminium, disposable test gas cylinders for the GTS gas test kit

Accessories for the gas test set GTS
Individual components of the GTS gas test set, available separately to customise the kit to client needs